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Saturday, May 8, 2010

Re: There will be a debate on Sept 13

From: Stephen Block []

Sent: Friday, May 8, 2010
To: 'NoReply'
Subject: Re: There will be a debate on Sept 13

Hi: Yes lets get this straight sir. I got the name wrong on the guest worker program but my grandma and others still have the difficulties that you are espousing and no my grandma is not wealthy and worrying about a capital gains tax. She like other family family farmers worry about both democratic and republican policies that help large farms by encouraging massive subsidies to larger farmers that your bud Bush put into place. Oh I forgot Bush is a liberal to most of the people in your organization. I also have a nice you tube video for you to watch so that you can see the wonderful hypocratic minutemen in action.
Yes I would like to continue this so that you can come to the conclusion that a middle ground approach is the only way to solve this problem. We do need secure borders but we also need to give persons such as the woman that I worked with in the restaurant a way of getting out of the underground economy so that they can pay taxes and fully participat in this country. On an unrelated issue. How do yuo feel about the possible admission of Puerto Rico into this country as a state? Steve

----- Original Message -----

To: "Stephen Block"
Sent: Saturday, May 8, 2010 1:39:06 AM
Subject: Re: There will be a debate on Sept 13

Let me get this straight. First you ask about a debate, which I clearly said have been held and will be held in the future. Tom is not worried about presenting the facts. Then you complain about Sheriff Joe Arpio, someone who is elected and re-elected in Arizona, ask about the ICE raid on a Pottsville, Iowa meat packing plant where Illegally employed Israeli employees were pretending to process Kosher foods (I am Jewish and was disgusted by the entire situation, so yes, I am very well aware of it). I clearly cited substantial costs of Illegal immigration which you have chosen to ignore (here is just one of many Then you claim the former mayor said they went back to Mexico and Guatemala which indicates you neither read an account, or chose to read something completely unrelated to the ICE raid in Pottsville, Iowa. When you tossed out a story about your grandma and her vineyard in Illinois and the labor from immigrants with "hb2" visas, I know know you are making up things since there is no such visa. The nonagricultural visa is called the H2B and the agricultural visa is an H2A. Furthermore, there is no limit on the H2A quantity that can be admitted to the US. Tom worked to return that program to the original intent, a streamlined approach to temporary workers that was completely misrepresented by this web post ('s%20Million%20Worker%20Visa%20Bill.htm). As to the BS about $8 heads of lettuce, the marginal cost of increased pay to ag workers is diffused far more than the numbers you have clearly made up. I will make this simple so I don't need to use a calculator and you can verify it with real numbers if you like. If a picker can gather 100 heads of lettice an hour and is paid $5 an hour the cost is roughly 5 cents a head. If that picker is paid twice as much at $10 an hour for the same labor (a job an American would not take I suppose), the diffused cost would rise to 10 cents a head. If the cost of transportation and brokerage fees as well as cleaning and inspections were to remain the same or increase marginally, it would still increase the price only to the extent of the diffused labor cost. Lettuce would NEVER increase to $8, unless the current price is about $6.50 to $7 a head (that is the price in Japan when it is out of season, it drops to about 30 cents at harvest time). On the other hand, if Obama and his merry Socialists in Washington DC were to levy an additional tax of 15% on capital gains and a farmer spends 10 cents for seeds to create 1.10$ of goods to feed his family, he has a capital gain of $1. The capital gains tax (currently 15%) would be a total of 30%, or about 30 cents less than what he would have had if there were no capital gains tax at all. The tax on the "wealthy" farmer, who needs to feed his family and buy more seeds and fuel a tractor and go on vacation once every few years, must increase his prices by that same 15% to pay for the new taxes from Mr. Obama. What happens to the taxes? They go to pay for health care and education for illegal immigrants that choose to leave their socialist worker's paradise of Mexico, Guatemala or even Israel (yes, they have a socialist parliment, it is no secret), break our laws, and work for slightly lower wages than legal residents and citizens. It is not that complicated, you have to think about it and stop with the rhetoric. If you wish to continue to engage in anecdotal citations with me, I am fine doing that; however if don't have the common decency to be truthful, please feel free to discontinue this discussion. -----Original Message-----

From: Stephen Block []
Sent: Friday, May 7, 2010 10:03 PM
To: 'NoReply'
Subject: Re: There will be a debate on Sept 13

p { margin: 0; } I was just browsing the web and the former mayor was discussing how it emptied the town of it''s tax base both illegal and legal. The press said that legal residents left for Mexico and Guatemala emptying stores and rental properties. Their are several studies of how ice raids destroy communities. I live in Ohio and if the sherrif in Butler county has his way the few immigrants who are here will become a typical Ohio statistic of more people who have left the state. My grandma lives in Illinois and has grape vinyard and we and other farmers have used the labor from immigrants when we couldn't find native born. We try to use high school kids and then people who are mentally challenged but then must resort to hiring immigrants due to a lack of labor. This is the reality in most farming towns. I am for hb2 visas since we need ag workers. Mr Tancredo opposed this ital program for some strange reason. I guess he doesn't mind $8.00 lettuce which will be the price if the farmers hire Americans with benefits which are needed since we have employer based medical coverage. Did you read the other email with the story in it? Steve

----- Original Message -----

From: "NoReply"
To: "Stephen Block"
Sent: Friday, May 7, 2010 9:52:02 PM
Subject: RE: There will be a debate on Sept 13

What state and what documentation do you have on the negative impact?

My frend, who has family in the area, tells me the local economy is better and formerly unemployed, legal residents are working there.

I have CBO reports from the 1990s indicating the cost of health services and education at 8 billion a year.

-----Original Message-----
From: Stephen Block
Sent: Friday, May 07, 2010 5:37 PM
To: NoReply
Subject: Re: There will be a debate on Sept 13

Hi Dan:

I just resent it. Let me know when you receive it. Tom might want to come to this state since we have an Arpaio like clone trying to put on the ballot an initiative to have an Arizona like law to deal with the less then five percent of all of the people he jails. Such hystery generated from a scary population indeed. Seriously do you understand the economic devestation that occured in Potsville iowa after the ICE raid.


[The entire original message is not included]

Friday, May 7, 2010

Re: There will be a debate on Sept 13

From: Stephen Block
Sent: Friday, May 07, 2010 10:42 PM
To: NoReply
Subject: Re: There will be a debate on Sept 13

 I was just browsing the web and the former mayor was discussing how it emptied the town of it''s tax base both illegal and legal.  The press said that legal residents left for Mexico and Guatemala
emptying stores and rental properties.  Their are several studies of how ice raids destroy communities.  I live in Ohio and if the sherrif in Butler county has his way the few immigrants who are here will become a typical Ohio statistic of more people who have left the state.  My grandma lives in Illinois and has  grape vinyard and we and other farmers have used the labor from immigrants when we couldn't find native born.  We try to use high school kids and then people who are mentally challenged but then must resort to hiring immigrants due to a lack of labor. This is the reality in most farming towns.  I am for hb2 visas since we need ag workers. Mr Tancredo opposed this ital program for some strange reason. I guess he doesn't mind $8.00 lettuce which will be the price if the farmers hire Americans with benefits which are needed since we have employer based medical coverage.

 Did you read the other email with the story in it?


----- Original Message -----
From: "NoReply" <>
To: "Stephen Block" <>
Sent: Friday, May 7, 2010 9:52:02 PM
Subject: RE: There will be a debate on Sept 13

What state and what documentation do you have on the negative impact?

My frend, who has family in the area, tells me the local economy is better and formerly unemployed, legal residents are working there.

I have CBO reports from the 1990s indicating the cost of health services and education at 8 billion a year.

-----Original Message-----
From: Stephen Block <>
Sent: Friday, May 07, 2010 5:37 PM
To: NoReply <>
Subject: Re: There will be a debate on Sept 13

Hi Dan:

  I just resent it.  Let me know when you receive it. Tom might want to come to this state since we have an Arpaio like clone trying to put on the ballot an initiative to have an Arizona like law to deal with the less then five percent of all of the people he jails.  Such hystery generated from a scary population indeed.  Seriously do you understand the economic devestation that occured in Potsville iowa after the ICE raid.

[The entire original message is not included]

Re: There will be a debate on Sept 13

Hi Dan:

  I just resent it.  Let me know when you receive it. Tom might want to come to this state since we have an Arpaio like clone trying to put on the ballot an initiative to have an Arizona like law to deal with the less then five percent of all of the people he jails.  Such hystery generated from a scary population indeed.  Seriously do you understand the economic devestation that occured in Potsville iowa after the ICE raid.


----- Original Message -----
From: "NoReply" <>
Sent: Friday, May 7, 2010 7:20:41 PM
Subject: There will be a debate on Sept 13

Generally, every time Tom has been on the radio or TV it has been to debate / discuss the issue. A more structured debate will take place in Denver, as has been the case multiple times in the past.

Are you asking to sponsor a debate?

Feel free to reply to this email, I will monitor for your reply.


PS. You can resend your email as I have seen no coherent argument favoring your position.

There will be a debate on Sept 13

From: Stephen Block []
Sent: Friday, May 7, 2010 07:37 PM
To: 'NoReply'
Subject: Re: There will be a debate on Sept 13

Hi Dan: I just resent it. Let me know when you receive it. Tom might want to come to this state since we have an Arpaio like clone trying to put on the ballot an initiative to have an Arizona like law to deal with the less then five percent of all of the people he jails. Such hystery generated from a scary population indeed. Seriously do you understand the economic devestation that occured in Potsville iowa after the ICE raid. Stephen

----- Original Message -----
From: "NoReply"
Sent: Friday, May 7, 2010 7:20:41 PM
Subject: There will be a debate on Sept 13

Generally, every time Tom has been on the radio or TV it has been to debate / discuss the issue. A more structured debate will take place in Denver, as has been the case multiple times in the past.

Are you asking to sponsor a debate?

Feel free to reply to this email, I will monitor for your reply.


PS. You can resend your email as I have seen no coherent argument favoring your position.

Spell Check

From: Mike Wallace []
Sent: Saturday, February 06, 2010 8:55 AM
Subject: Spell Check
Fuck you Tom.  Did I spell that right?

Mike Wallace
Little Rock, Arkansas.

Hotmail: Powerful Free email with security by Microsoft. Get it now.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

FW: Thom Hartmann Interview

From: J Darrah <>
Sent: Tuesday, May 04, 2010 3:20 PM
Subject: Thom Hartmann Interview


I just heard you on the Thom Hartmann show.  You have got to be the dumbest motherfucker on the planet right now.  Make that THE most ignorant, lying, racist, hypocrite on the planet right now.  I seriously cannot believe you get on national radio and stick your head right up your ass for all of us to hear in real-time.  Mindblowing.  You, sir, are a jackass -- and you're a MENACE to this state and this country. 

Most Sincerely,

Jill Duncan
Denver, CO

Those (Fox Puke) who can make you (Rethugs & Teathugs) believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities.  ~ Voltaire

Everyone's entitled to their own opinion, but not their own facts!!  Rethugs = Teathugs = lying hypocrites.  Hypocrites = THE DREGS of this earth!!  


From: Micky <>
Sent: Tuesday, May 04, 2010 12:15 PM

Please get a life and stop being a bigot.

Thursday, April 29, 2010

STFU you racist

From: Barrette, Mike <>
Sent: Thursday, April 29, 2010 1:18 PM
Subject: STFU you racist

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Alan Colmes

From: Patrick Brennan []
Sent: Wednesday, April 28, 2010 4:08 PM
Subject: Alan Colmes
I heard you on his show. You are correct: the whole birth certificate thing
makes you people look nuts.
You should read the transcript of the things you said. You sound insane.
Lenny Pincus

Monday, April 26, 2010

The story re: your Chapel Hill visit

From: Rob Todd []
Sent: Monday, April 26, 2010 9:10 PM
Subject: The story re: your Chapel Hill visit
Mr. Tancredro,
One of your sound bites played on WRAL in Raleigh, NC regarding your speech
in Chapel Hill mentioned that you've never seen a conservative group walk
out when a liberal viewpoint was being expressed. I'm sorry Mr. Tancredo,
all you need do is go to a well-publicized Tea Party rally to realize that
conservatives don't demonstrate against opposing viewpoints by simply
walking away peacefully from a brick wall that will not change direction...
they simply shout it down until the media picks up enough sound bites to
make it sound significant and controversial. Even flaunting FOR THE FIRST
TIME SINCE THE SLAVERY DEBATE basic decorum of the House and Senate....
that's the party you represent sir.
Robert Todd

Friday, April 23, 2010

Re: Intelect of a two year old

From: []
Sent: Friday, April 23, 2010 04:09 PM
Subject: Re: Intelect of a two year old

and believe me when I say that the ignorant wop dago is gonna pay for it

In a message dated 4/23/2010 10:21:26 A.M. Eastern Daylight Time, writes:

Yep, two year old, anti-free-speech, Leftist rant.

Sent: Thursday, April 22, 2010 8:57 PM
Subject: Re: Intelect of a two year old

Tom is a ballless punk who needs his little skirt lifted and his butt kicked

In a message dated 4/22/2010 5:36:08 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time, writes:

My daughter has tantrums when I tell her things she does not want to hear too. It does not make them any less true.

Thanks for confirming the intolerance of the Left through your rant to Tom.


Re: Intelect of a two year old

From: []

Sent: Friday, April 23, 2010 04:07 PM
Subject: Re: Intelect of a two year old

Yep right wing ignorant baboon racist one year old speak ass hole

In a message dated 4/23/2010 10:21:26 A.M. Eastern Daylight Time, writes:

Yep, two year old, anti-free-speech, Leftist rant.

Sent: Thursday, April 22, 2010 8:57 PM
Subject: Re: Intelect of a two year old

Tom is a ballless punk who needs his little skirt lifted and his butt kicked

In a message dated 4/22/2010 5:36:08 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time, writes:

My daughter has tantrums when I tell her things she does not want to hear too. It does not make them any less true.

Thanks for confirming the intolerance of the Left through your rant to Tom.



From: []
Sent: Friday, April 23, 2010 3:08 PM
Subject: italiens

I was watching you on msnbc....
you are a racist bigot ...I could say the same to are a Mafiosi Italian
when I lived in Europe I was always told don't drive your car to Italy they steal the tires of your car...are all Italians criminals or stupid????????
you are a disgrace to our country ...where you born in the USA or Italy?
the only reason you don't like Obama is ,  he is are first grade racist...I bet if you lived 70 years ago you would be a Mussolini supporter.....shame on you

RE: Intelect of a two year old

If that is a threat, you realize it is now pre-meditated and this will be evidence against you.
You also realize you are in violation of your AOL accont holder agreement and subject to cancellation of your account.
I will give you 24 hours to issue an apology or this exchange will be passed on to AOL.

-----Original Message-----
Sent: Friday, April 23, 2010 2:09 PM
Subject: Re: Intelect of a two year old
and believe me when I say that the ignorant wop dago is gonna pay for it

In a message dated 4/23/2010 10:21:26 A.M. Eastern Daylight Time, writes:
Yep, two year old, anti-free-speech, Leftist rant.

Sent: Thursday, April 22, 2010 8:57 PM
Subject: Re: Intelect of a two year old
Tom is a ballless punk who needs his little skirt lifted and his butt

In a message dated 4/22/2010 5:36:08 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time, writes:
[The entire original message is not included]

RE: RE: Intelect of a two year old

From: NoReply <>
Sent: Friday, April 23, 2010 8:21 AM
To: Sundancer18017@aolcom
Subject: RE: Intelect of a two year old

Yep, two year old, anti-free-speech, Leftist rant.

Sent: Thursday, April 22, 2010 8:57 PM
Subject: Re: Intelect of a two year old

Tom is a ballless punk who needs his little skirt lifted and his butt kicked
In a message dated 4/22/2010 5:36:08 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time, writes:
My daughter has tantrums when I tell her things she does not want to hear too. It does not make them any less true.

Thanks for confirming the intolerance of the Left through your rant to Tom


Thursday, April 22, 2010

Re: Intelect of a two year old

From: []
Sent: Thursday, April 22, 2010 10:57 PM
Subject: Re: Intelect of a two year old

Tom is a ballless punk who needs his little skirt lifted and his butt kicked

In a message dated 4/22/2010 5:36:08 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time, writes: My daughter has tantrums when I tell her things she does not want to hear too. It does not make them any less true.

Thanks for confirming the intolerance of the Left through your rant to Tom.




RE: Intelect of a two year old

From: NoReply <>
Sent: Thursday, April 22, 2010 3:36 PM
Subject: Intelect of a two year old

My daughter has tantrums when I tell her things she does not want to hear too. It does not make them any less true.

Thanks for confirming the intolerance of the Left through your rant to Tom.


FW: So you are calling Michelle Obama a liar?

From: NoReply <>
Sent: Thursday, April 22, 2010 8:22 AM
Subject: So you are calling Michelle Obama a liar?

We anticipated the misinformation you have been exposed to and posted a release with the information you missed.

Best wishes,

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Are you calling Michelle Obama a liar?

From: []
Sent: Wednesday, April 21, 2010 10:44 PM
To: 'NoReply'
Subject: Re: Are you calling Michelle Obama a liar?

Thank you but no thank you.

Best regards,
Ms. Ellis

On Apr 21, 2010 7:21pm, NoReply <> wrote:

 We anticipated the misinformation you have been exposed to and posted a release with the information you missed.

Best wishes,

RE: Your letter from the Left

From: NoReply <>
Sent: Wednesday, April 21, 2010 7:13 PM
Subject: Your letter from the Left

You know where to find me via email.

Hey smart guy, Michelle Obama made the Kenya remark. Look it up.

You would be tossed out under UCMJ if your CO got wind of what you wrote.

You have no right or standing to call any former or current Member of Congress a NAZI, you punk, particularly my friends.

Your letters were and still are a disgrace to the Corps.


PS - I don't need to share my full name with a vitriolic hate monger like you.

FW: misinformed

From: NoReply <>
Sent: Wednesday, April 21, 2010 5:22 PM
Subject: misinformed

We anticipated the misinformation you have been exposed to and posted a release with the information you missed.

Best wishes,

RE: Are you calling Michelle Obama a liar?

From: NoReply <>
Sent: Wednesday, April 21, 2010 5:21 PM
Subject: Are you calling Michelle Obama a liar?

We anticipated the misinformation you have been exposed to and posted a release with the information you missed.

Best wishes,

FW: Are you calling Michelle Obama a liar?

From: NoReply <>
Sent: Wednesday, April 21, 2010 5:14 PM
Subject: Are you calling Michelle Obama a liar?

We anticipated the misinformation you have been exposed to and posted a release with the information you choose to ignore.

Best wishes,

FW: Are you calling Michelle Obama a liar?

From: NoReply <>
Sent: Wednesday, April 21, 2010 5:14 PM
Subject: Are you calling Michelle Obama a liar?

We anticipated the misinformation you have been exposed to and posted a release with the information you choose to ignore.

Best wishes,

RE: Printing your email

From: NoReply <>
Sent: Wednesday, April 21, 2010 5:09 PM
Subject: Printing your email

We plan to print your email as a flyer for the next few months since it so clearly illustrates the hypocrisy of the left.

By the way, Democratic Senator Byrd is the only klansman in the US Congress, but I suppose you would love to burn the Constitution with him.

Looking forward to making your name known,

RE: RE: Not a birther

Subject: Not a birther
Date: Wed, 21 Apr 2010 17:01:57 -0600
I will make sure he sees your email.

-----Original Message-----
From: RB Watt <>
Sent: Wednesday, April 21, 2010 2:47 PM
Subject: RE: Not a birther

Dan, I want to ask that my original letter be sent/given to Tom himself, as it was addressed to him and sent to the e-mail address posted on his website. I did write it for him specifically to read. Otherwise, how can I reach him directly?


Subject: Not a birther
Date: Wed, 21 Apr 2010 09:10:57 -0600

Sorry, I don't work in Toms office, I am his friend.

We anticipated the misinformation you have been exposed to and posted a release with the information you seek.

[The entire original message is not included]

FW: Got your threat

From: NoReply <>
Sent: Wednesday, April 21, 2010 4:58 PM
Subject: Got your threat

You obviously represent a typical Liberal-Democrat-Obama voter.

We anticipated the misinformation you have been exposed to and posted a release with the information you choose to ignore.

We will make sure the FBI acknowledges your threat,

RE: Not a birther

Subject: Not a birther
Date: Wed, 21 Apr 2010 16:06:57 -0600
It is the link included in the email on the first line.

-----Original Message-----
From: RB Watt <>
Sent: Wednesday, April 21, 2010 2:43 PM
Subject: RE: Not a birther


Thanks for your response. It would be helpful if you would tell me just where have you posted the release you referred to, so I can read it. Would appreciate the information.


Subject: Not a birther
Date: Wed, 21 Apr 2010 09:10:57 -0600

Sorry, I don't work in Toms office, I am his friend.

[The entire original message is not included]

RE: Not a birther

From: RB Watt []

Sent: Wednesday, April 21, 2010 04:47 PM
Subject: RE: Not a birther

Dan, I want to ask that my original letter be sent/given to Tom himself, as it was addressed to him and sent to the e-mail address posted on his website. I did write it for him specifically to read. Otherwise, how can I reach him directly?


Subject: Not a birther
Date: Wed, 21 Apr 2010 09:10:57 -0600

Sorry, I don't work in Toms office, I am his friend.

We anticipated the misinformation you have been exposed to and posted a release with the information you seek.

Best wishes,

RE: Not a birther

From: RB Watt []

Sent: Wednesday, April 21, 2010 04:43 PM
Subject: RE: Not a birther


Thanks for your response. It would be helpful if you would tell me just where have you posted the release you referred to, so I can read it. Would appreciate the information.


Subject: Not a birther
Date: Wed, 21 Apr 2010 09:10:57 -0600

Sorry, I don't work in Toms office, I am his friend.

We anticipated the misinformation you have been exposed to and posted a release with the information you seek.

Best wishes,

RE: Who cares what race you are, or is that your obsession?

From: NoReply <>
Sent: Wednesday, April 21, 2010 2:15 PM
Subject: Who cares what race you are, or is that your obsession?

We anticipated the misinformation you have been exposed to and posted a release with the information you choose to ignore.

Best wishes,

RE: Are you calling Michelle Obama a liar?

From: NoReply <>
Sent: Wednesday, April 21, 2010 2:10 PM
Subject: Are you calling Michelle Obama a liar?

We anticipated the misinformation you have been exposed to and posted a release with the information you choose to ignore.

Best wishes,

RE: "N" word use

From: NoReply <>
Sent: Wednesday, April 21, 2010 9:12 AM
Subject: "N" word use

The answer to your question is no, unless you count Tom's quote of Democrat and former KKK leader Senator Robert Byrd who used the "N" word just a few years back.

The actual quote was "Did you hear what Byrd said? Oh my gosh! He used the 'N' word on a c-span interview" with that, the office located and observed the clip.

Michelle Obama said Kenya was Barak's "home country" it is a fact, it was in 2008, it can be seen and heard on

Go dig up dirt on your own fellow travelers. No doubt you have chosen to project the hate experienced in the past by those around you to Tom. Sorry, that dog won't hunt.


RE: Not a birther

From: NoReply <>
Sent: Wednesday, April 21, 2010 9:10 AM
Subject: Not a birther

Sorry, I don't work in Toms office, I am his friend.

We anticipated the misinformation you have been exposed to and posted a release with the information you seek.

Best wishes,

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

President isn't going anywhere.

From: denise mckinnie []
Sent: Tuesday, April 20, 2010 11:06 AM
Our President isn’t going anywhere.  It seems really interesting that a man who came from immigrants can’t stand the immigrants who come to this country.  You’re a bigot and a hypocrite.


From: John Emr []
Sent: Tuesday, April 20, 2010 9:40 AM
Subject: Home...
Why don’t you go back home to Sicily you piece of shit racist.  The bile you spew is un American.  We are at war in two counties right now, have some respect for your President you nazi hate monger.  We have a black President and you can’t handle it.  You are a chicken hawk, a draft dodging hypocrite and a retard(kudos to Rush and Sarah Palin).  You are what’s wrong with America today, hateful and stupid.  You and the tea baggers deserve each other.  You make me sick.


Consider bees and trees before printing…

Kenya comments

From: Dick Wee []
Sent: Tuesday, April 20, 2010 9:24 AM
Subject: Kenya comments
Hey Tom,
Fuck you for your comments regarding sending our President "back to Kenya."
You know god damned well he is an American citizen, just like you and me.
It is assholes like you with a personal disdain for black people that are
stirring the pot of hate that will eventually take down this country. When
one of your cock sucking tea baggers pulls a gun and starts shooting fellow
citizens your rhetoric will be the cause and you will be held responsible
for the treason you are helping to create. Don't forget, you dumb shit,
liberals have guns too. Be careful what you wish for.

South Carolina Speech

From: Maureen Bauer []
Sent: Tuesday, April 20, 2010 6:21 AM
Subject: South Carolina Speech
How low are you going to stoop to obtain media coverage?  Your speech to the South Carolina Tea Party was not to move the political discourse  ahead in this country, but to incite a poorly educated, poorly informed group of people.  To demean a sitting president is bad for the nation no matter what political party that president represents.  You ran for this esteemed office—you should know better!

Maureen Bauer  

You can not change what's over, but only where you go.

On the ED Show

From: oldbat []
Sent: Tuesday, April 20, 2010 1:50 AM
Subject: On the ED Show
Dear Tom, you are are a piece of shit. Now, you know there are nuances to
the term "piece of shit". Do I mean that your mommy or daddy were composed
of excrement and therefore created you from fecal matter. Or am I
referring to your lying about your racist views and inciting hatred among
those intellectually challenged like yourself. Or, possibly both

Monday, April 19, 2010

for your rude comments, go back ..................

From: Russell E. Scott []
Sent: Monday, April 19, 2010 8:53 PM
Subject: for your rude comments, go back ..................
to the garbage can rubbish man. you don't know shit but are one.
you are very dangerous but mostly to yourself. your words and thoughts mean
nothing. you are pond scum. white trash.
go back to the gutter coward. prayers are with you.
take care - russell
Russell E. Scott

Send Obama back to Kenya

From: Mark Aumen []
Sent: Monday, April 19, 2010 5:16 PM
Subject: Send Obama back to Kenya
A small, petty thought from a small, petty man. You are a pig, Tom. Grow up, grow a spine and become a true American. Realize your roots are not from here either (you certainly don’t LOOK native American).

Lest you forget, YOU ARE A PIG.

Mark Aumen

New Day Land Concepts

5101 S. Rio Grande, #5301

Littleton, CO 80120


Please consider your responsibility to the environment before printing this e-mail.


From: Alma Preston []
Sent: Monday, April 19, 2010 4:56 PM
Subject: Homeland??
Mr. Tancredo:
There is not one soul in America that can say they are completely
American.If they do they are hypocrites. All of us come from somewhere else
except Native Americans. The founder fathers of this country spoke 18th
century English. Obama is an American from Kenyan ancestry. It is just the
idea that he is a black man.You say you want to go back to that language.
Considering how many Americans can undersatand let alone speak that language
it will be very good maybe some of them will shut up if they have nothing
encouraging and prositive to say about America today.
The whole world is watching us and the true colors of some people is
showing. That color is the color of bigotry and the color of violence.
Europe is kind of laughing at us because we brag about how smooth the change
from president to president is in the US and then they see these things
happening. Republicans are bullying members of government for voting their
conscience, gun rallies, women in politics inciting the psychos out there to
violence. These kind of behavior is embarrassing considering how we like to
criticize other countries. No wonder kids drive each other to suicide by
bullying. The example they are receiving, we cannot ask for anything decent
out of our youth, they are imitating the adults.

Have You Ever Used the "N" word?

From: Mary Jo Thayer []
Sent: Monday, April 19, 2010 4:45 PM
Subject: Have You Ever Used the "N" word?
Be careful tom,
You have old school mates who may need some money or people who knew you back in the day, when racists like you openly told "n***** jokes.

Some one may have a grudge or just want to see you exposed.

Have you ever used the "N" word?  I bet you have!!!

Nice Try

From: Susan Preiss []
Sent: Monday, April 19, 2010 4:42 PM
Subject: Nice Try
Dear Former Congressman Tancredo:
I had the pleasure of seeing you on today's "Ed Show" during which you were
asked to explain your remark about sending President Obama back to Kenya.
It was interesting to see you try to lay the remark at the feet of the First
Lady. Nice try but no dice.
Your remark was clearly either racist or race baiting. Having recently done
some research into the prevalent attitudes regarding race and the
President's race, it has become clear to me that those who claim not to care
one way or the other about the President's race are lying to me and to
themselves; racist attitudes still affecting the way people see others
whether they seem to have grown out of their attitudes or not. You, sir,
are no different.
Your comment was outrageous, disrespectful and certainly not as harmless as
you would like to make us believe. You are playing to those deep-seated and
deeply covered fears that you know people still have regarding race. It is
cheap and dirty to play on such fears to further a political agenda -
unless, of course, the agenda is to return this country to a pre-civil
rights state.
Yours truly,
Susan Preiss


From: Naomi Schiff []
Sent: Monday, April 19, 2010 4:04 PM
Subject: foreigners
Dear Rep. Tancredo,

Like you, I am descended from immigrants. Luckily, I'm not in public office so no one is trying to argue for sending me "back" to the place where I was not born. I would guess you may be grateful for this too.

As a nation of proud immigrants, I request that you drop the whole unseemly habit of condemlning the president or anyone else for having a name that doesn't sound like Smith or Jones.

Of all people you should be able to understand this. (If you don't understand it, I can only find the motivation in some kind of ill-informed prejudice.)

This wonderful country deserves better than to bog down in recriminations about where one's parents or grandparents came from.

Hoping for better leadership from you,


Naomi Schiff
Business Owner, parent, and voter.

Naomi Schiff
Seventeenth Street Studios
410 12th Street, Suite 300
Oakland, CA 94607

fax: 510-835-1820

You've done it again, Tom

From: Donna Van Hook []
Sent: Monday, April 19, 2010 3:56 PM
Subject: You've done it again, Tom
You have succeeded once again in embarrassing the state of Colorado with
your lunatic ramblings about our president. Please, stay home and save us
further humiliation.


From: Dennis R. Richardson []
Sent: Monday, April 19, 2010 1:13 PM
Subject: Idiot
Sent from my iPhone Buisness Edition*

RE: Bigotry?

From: NoReply <>
Sent: Monday, April 19, 2010 11:52 AM
Subject: Bigotry?

Exactly what part of what President Obama's wife said was bigotry?
She stated they visited Kenya, Barak's "homeland". If you need to accuse others of bigotry for whatever reason, you might start with people who comment on what Mr. Obama looks like. People like, Joe Biden, Chris Mathiews or Hillary Clinton come to mind.


Wednesday, April 14, 2010

RE: Your bigotry is alarming

From: NoReply <>
Sent: Wednesday, April 14, 2010 6:24 PM
Subject: Your bigotry is alarming

How pattently rediculous is it to claim civics illiteracy is limited to a particular race. Your assumption is offensive at face value, nearly as much as the comments made by Chris Matthews with regard to the State of the Union address.

The arrogance required to actually demand that Tom does not characterize President Obama as the socialist he appears to be is frighteningly similar to what many fought against in the late 1930s.

Recalling the last time an elected leader took over banks, automobiles and health care might help put things in perspective. Does the environmentally responsible and affordable "Folks Wagon" mean anything to you?

Feel free to re-write history for your own friends and followers. Do not feel free to inflict Orwellian changes on society in general.

Tom will not stop speaking the truth. The vile introduction of race into the argument is the invention of his demented detractors. It is not surprising.

The first anti-semetic thing ever said to me was from a black man who called me a "damn kike" my black drill instructor insured it would never happen again and my black friend nearly beat the daylights out of the guy. What does that have to do with anything? Why should we care the color of Obama's fund raisers?

Trumped up moral indignation is pointless and sophomoric. Feel free to express it elsewhere.


Sunday, April 11, 2010

RE: military draft

From: NoReply <>
Sent: Sunday, April 11, 2010 6:40 PM
To: Austin Brown <>
Subject: RE: military draft

Your initial emails said nothing about your service and were, indeed, childish taunts.

That said, your service is greatly appreciated.

Your rank implies you earned the respect of others and earned the respect of review boards. That you would contact anyone with the tone of your text message and expect to have a serious response is surprising.

I 2 served, u can thank me l8er.

God speed,

From: Austin Brown <>
Sent: Sunday, April 11, 2010 1:53 PM
Subject: military draft

thank you for your answer dan, thats all you had to say in the first place. you see i
was not taunting anyone. you just had to go political on me. as for as my english, to save
time and space we leave off some letters  like ( u for you ) but you did understand it.
by the way, i served the nam (VIETNAM), panama and desert storm in 91and went to
college in florida under the GI, oops goverment issue bill, so in your next message to
me, you will be thanking me for my service. my god bless u (you) and tom and keep
him safe from any harm.      msgt brown  ret.

military draft

From: Austin Brown []

Sent: Sunday, April 11, 2010 03:53 PM
Subject: military draft

thank you for your answer dan, thats all you had to say in the first place. you see i was not taunting anyone. you just had to go political on me. as for as my english, to save time and space we leave off some letters like ( u for you ) but you did understand it. by the way, i served the nam (VIETNAM), panama and desert storm in 91and went to college in florida under the GI, oops goverment issue bill, so in your next message to me, you will be thanking me for my service. my god bless u (you) and tom and keep him safe from any harm. msgt brown ret.

RE: RE: military

From: NoReply <>
Sent: Sunday, April 11, 2010 11:39 AM
To: Austin Brown <>
Subject: RE: military

"why did u dodge the draft mr patratic man?"

What part of that is not a childish taunt?

Please. If you are asking a real question, you might take the time to write it in basic English.

From: Austin Brown <>
Sent: Sunday, April 11, 2010 12:05 AM
To: NoReply <>
Subject: Re: military

but u never answered the question, it is not childish to ask someone why they didnt go into the military like
i did. but it is childish to play it off as a taunt, so i will be expecting an answer soon. my god bless you.

[The entire original message is not included]

RE: drafted

From: NoReply <>
Sent: Sunday, April 11, 2010 11:31 AM
Subject: drafted

Tom Tancredo was evaluated for the draft and denied the opportunity to serve in the armed forces due to being diagnosed with and on medication for clinical depression.

He continues to defend the Constitution and has his life threatened on a fairly regular basis by domestic terrorists pretending to be proponents of free speech.

Any more questions?


Re: military

From: Austin Brown []
Sent: Sunday, April 11, 2010 02:05 AM
To: 'NoReply'
Subject: Re: military

but u never answered the question, it is not childish to ask someone why they didnt go into the military like i did. but it is childish to play it off as a taunt, so i will be expecting an answer soon. my god bless you.

From: NoReply
Sent: Sat, April 10, 2010 5:16:45 PM
Subject: Re: military

We received your childish taunt.
Hope it made you feel better.
Have a nice day.

Saturday, April 10, 2010

RE: military

From: NoReply <>
Sent: Saturday, April 10, 2010 3:16 PM
Subject: Re: military

We received your childish taunt.
Hope it made you feel better.
Have a nice day.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

RE: Just say NO

From: NoReply <>
Sent: Thursday, April 08, 2010 1:02 PM
Subject: Just say NO

So you oppose Tom's right to free speech. You oppose the Tea Party activists right to free speech. And you oppose corporations who pay millions of working people billions of dollars every week so they can live in this GREAT country.

Well, we agree this is a GREAT country. Obama wants to make this a Socialist Republic and apparently, so do you. I suggest you locate and read a little more about how day to day life is in those countries.

Until we can stop the progress toward socialism, we will join Tom and just say NO.

Good luck,


RE: Please don't vote

From: NoReply <>
Sent: Thursday, April 08, 2010 9:03 AM
Subject: Please don't vote
You must have mistaken Tom's email address with Chris Matthiews. Chris wants to be reminded of of every Presidents' race during State of the Union addresses.
Good luck with that.
PS - If you don't know what I am talking about, try and look it up

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

RE: therapy

From: NoReply <>
Sent: Tuesday, March 30, 2010 6:39 PM
Subject: therapy

We received your childish taunt.
Hope it made you feel better.
Have a nice day.

Friday, March 26, 2010

RE: RE: Anger management

From: "NoReply" <>
Sent: Thursday, March 26, 2010 8:39 AM
To: "Hank" <>
Subject: RE: Anger management

You may want to google the misinformation part too. Here is a brief editorial summing up the "news" you cited.
Caught on film: Congressman “spat on” by tea partier, sort of
posted at 8:59 pm on March 25, 2010 by Allahpundit
Share on Facebook | regular view
Via Nice Deb and Ace, who aptly characterizes this as a “Say It Don’t Spray It Class D Felony.” Skip ahead to around 1:20. A protester has his hands cupped around his mouth to yell something and it looks like some spittle hits Cleaver, who later accused the guy, and I quote, of having “allowed his saliva to hit my face.” Voila — a racial incident worthy of national headlines capped by a congressional press release noting that the spitter/spittler had been arrested. Except that he wasn’t: He was briefly detained and then let go. This was supposedly also around the time that tea partiers were shouting racial slurs at Cleaver, John Lewis, and other black congressmen. Listen closely and you … won’t hear any. Although if you do, or if you were there and have some tape lying around that captured them, you can make a cool ten grand from Andrew Breitbart. “Is it really possible that in 2010,” writes Breitbart, “in a crowd of 30 or 40 thousand people — at the center of a once-in-a-lifetime media circus — not one person’s flipphone, Blackberry, video recorder or a network feed caught a single incident?” E-mail him if you’ve got the smoking gun!
Incidentally, this is now the third incident involving alleged political intimidation that appears to have been blown out of proportion. The casket that so frightened Russ Carnahan was part of a prayer vigil meant to symbolize the death of liberty. And the bullet that broke that window in Cantor’s campaign office was, according to preliminary investigations, not fired directly at the building but up in the air, suggesting that it landed through the window through happenstance. Let’s all take a deep breath. Please?

From: "NoReply" <>
Sent: Thursday, March 2, 2010  10:04 PM
To: "Hank" <>
Subject: RE: Anger management

My time in the public sector is how I know Obama is a Socialist. My Masters is in Computer Information Systems and I completely agree with you about public sector "workers." I took a private sector job after having a child to avoid the embarassment.

I'm glad to hear about Kos.


-----Original Message-----
From: Hank <>
Sent: Thursday, March 25, 2010 9:34 PM
To: NoReply <>
Subject: Re: Anger management

I apologize for the perceived personal attack. I shouldn't have jumped to a
conclusion about your educational background with no other evidence than
your writing.

You've beaten me on the military service, I got out after 4 in 1954. As far
as education is concerned I've got a BSEE, and MSEE and 2 years toward an
MBA, which I did not complete. I started an engineering business in 1968
with 4 other engineers, sold it after 10 years, and continued working there
until I retired in 1988 at age 59. I thought we might have found some common
ground until you acknowledged working in the 'public sector', I think we
have far too much bureaucracy in this country and have always considered
'working in the public sector' an oxymoron.

By the way, I didn't know what Kos was so I Googled it and it appears to be
as ridiculous as the Tea Partiers except that they're bent in the opposite
direction. Anyway, Dan, have a good life.

From: "NoReply" <>
Sent: Thursday, March 25, 2010 4:34 PM
To: "Hank" <>
Subject: RE: Anger management

Wow, you are really in love with the Daily Kos as a "source". Truth, yes Tancredo spoke. Lies, made racist remarks Send the link to the film, I am told there is a reward for proof it exists.

Look up "a lie repeated" and you will find your answers regarding disinformation.

Having worked both in the private and public sector, I know well when people fall short on the facts, they resort to personal insults.

I have no idea who you are, but count myself fortunate to be hated by such an awful person.

Here is a personal attack to help you feel better about yours: Learn to read history and think critically, you clearly dropped out of school before doing either. I would put my graduate education and 6 years of military service up against yours any day.

Oh, have a nice day,
-----Original Message-----
From: Hank <>
Sent: Thursday, March 25, 2010 11:56 AM
To: NoReply <>
Subject: Re: Anger management

I know it will be difficult but perhaps you could take your paranoia meds &
after they kick in explain which "disinformation" from the Nazis and
Communists I'm guilty of spreading. Is it a lie that Tancredo was the
keynote speaker at the Nashville gathering of the Tea Partiers, is it the
Nazis or the Communists who shot the film of the Tea Partiers in the Capitol
spitting on black Congressmen and calling Barney Frank a fag?

Maybe you could separate the disinformation items by origin - which are the
Nazis responsible for and which belong to the Communists? Which 'talking
points are made up?

Is it the Nazis or the Communists who are throwing bricks through
Congressmen's windows and vandalizing their property? It's taken awhile but
the true colors of the Tea Partiers has finally emerged. They are racist,
homophobic haters, who resort to terrorist tactics when they don't get their
way. If your rhetoric is representative of their capacity to think for
themselves, then many, if not most are also mentally-challenged.

I wish you well in your life and hope that by the time you graduate from
high school you will be able to think for yourself, formulate your own
opinions on the state of the world, and contribute something positive to the
society we all live in. Hank

P.S. You forgot to include Godzilla, the Grinch, and the Bogey man in your
list of those who would destroy our country.<G>

From: "NoReply" <>
Sent: Thursday, March 24, 2010 8:22 AM
To: "Hank" <>
Subject: RE: Anger management
Tom said that people ignorant of civics contributed to electing a commited socialist to the Presidency of the United States. He is exactly correct.

If you assume people who are ignorant are exclusively minorities, you are the racist. If you don't believe in the right to free expression, you are a statist. And if you believe taking over auto, banking and medical business is part of what government should do, then you, too, are a socialist.

Ike would not approve, and you would be the one who's soul is lost, not me.

You can engage in all of the personal attacks against Tom that you like, he served his country for more than 20 years as a public servent and has had his life threatened and attaked by commited Leftists and Socialists.

If you are the intelligent person you portend to be you might sit back and think about the side you appear to be on.

Do you really believe the Government can spend your money better than you? Do you really believe the news media has no bias and reports everything right? Are you so focused on your hate against Tom that any excuse will work?

Revrend Wright, friend and mentor of Obama, said, "God Damn America" and by your logic, Obama is guilty of the same thing.

Your loyalty is admirable, read the rest of your own words and choose. You might re-think your loyalty to a movement that not only hates America, but has the political power to destroy my country.

-----Original Message-----
From: Hank <>
Sent: Tuesday, March 23, 2010 10:12 PM
To: NoReply <>
Subject: Re: Anger management

Sorry, we must be talking about two different Tancredos. I meant the one who
gave the the keynote address at the Tea Party Convention in Nashville. I
guess all the networks conspired to spread disinformation by faking the Tea
Partiers spitting on a black Congressman and yelling homophobic remarks at
Frank. Shame on me for being taken in by such foolish nonsense.

I admire your loyalty; it's a virtue but as Mark Twain said, "Loyalty to a
petrified opinion never yet broke a chain or freed a human soul". You might
re-think your loyalty to a group whose main function appears to be spreading
hatred. Hank

From: "NoReply" <>
Sent: Monday, March 22, 2010 11:22 PM
To: "Hank" <>
Subject: RE: Anger management

Your impression is a lie, of course you can believe what you like, it is a free country.

Turns out your talking points are made up too. But Socialists and Nazis share the common thread of spreading disinformation to the masses. I am sure you are simply misinformed and not partaking in such foolish nonsense.

-----Original Message-----
From: Hank <>
Sent: Monday, March 22, 2010 8:47 PM
To: NoReply <noreply@therockymountainfoundationorg>
Subject: Re: Anger management

I was under the impression that he was one of the fair-haired boys of the
Tea Partiers, who did themselves proud with their gay-bashing and
race-baiting at the Capitol the other day. I guess the' God-hates fags'
bunch didn't get the memo: Reverend Phelps and his crew were out
disrupting military funerals. Of course, spitting on a black Congressman
shows real class; I think even Palin might draw the line at that.
Naturally, Tom would consider all this a wonderful demonstration of First
Amendment Rights. Hank

From: "NoReply" <>
Sent: Monday, March 22, 2010 5:27 PM
To: "Hank" <>
Subject: RE: Anger management

Ike would have supported the law as does Tom.

What propaganda did you read or hear about Tom that makes you such an expert on his "power"?

-----Original Message-----
From: Hank <>
Sent: Monday, March 22, 2010 4:38 PM
To: NoReply <>
Subject: Re: Anger management

Thanks for the response. I'm not angry at Tom; as I said, it saddens me that such a racist, poor excuse for a man yields power in such a great state. I will always have fond memories of the years I spent there and the days of a great president. eisenhower. Hank

From: NoReply
Sent: Monday, March 22, 2010 12:22 PM
Subject: Anger management

Sorry Hank, former congressman Tancredo is not an anger management counseling service provider.

Perhaps you should write to your new health panel to see if they will cover that ailment for you.


[The entire original message is not included]

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Anger management

From: Hank []
Sent: Thursday, March 25, 2010 11:34 PM
To: 'NoReply'
Subject: Re: Anger management

I apologize for the perceived personal attack. I shouldn't have jumped to a conclusion about your educational background with no other evidence than your writing. You've beaten me on the military service, I got out after 4 in 1954.

As far as education is concerned I've got a BSEE, and MSEE and 2 years toward an MBA, which I did not complete. I started an engineering business in 1968 with 4 other engineers, sold it after 10 years, and continued working there until I retired in 1988 at age 59.

I thought we might have found some common ground until you acknowledged working in the 'public sector', I think we have far too much bureaucracy in this country and have always considered 'working in the public sector' an oxymoron.

By the way, I didn't know what Kos was so I Googled it and it appears to be as ridiculous as the Tea Partiers except that they're bent in the opposite direction. Anyway, Dan, have a good life.

From: "NoReply" Sent: Thursday, March 25, 2010 4:34 PM
To: "Hank"
Subject: RE: Anger management

Wow, you are really in love with the Daily Kos as a "source".

Truth, yes Tancredo spoke.

Lies, made racist remarks.

Send the link to the film, I am told there is a reward for proof it exists.

Look up "a lie repeated" and you will find your answers regarding disinformation. Having worked both in the private and public sector, I know well when people fall short on the facts, they resort to personal insults.

I have no idea who you are, but count myself fortunate to be hated by such an awful person.

Here is a personal attack to help you feel better about yours: Learn to read history and think critically, you clearly dropped out of school before doing either. I would put my graduate education and 6 years of military service up against yours any day.

Oh, have a nice day,

-----Original Message-----
From: Hank
Sent: Thursday, March 25, 2010 11:56 AM
To: NoReply
Subject: Re: Anger management

I know it will be difficult but perhaps you could take your paranoia meds & after they kick in explain which "disinformation" from the Nazis and Communists I'm guilty of spreading.

Is it a lie that Tancredo was the keynote speaker at the Nashville gathering of the Tea Partiers, is it the Nazis or the Communists who shot the film of the Tea Partiers in the Capitol spitting on black Congressmen and calling Barney Frank a fag?

Maybe you could separate the disinformation items by origin - which are the Nazis responsible for and which belong to the Communists? Which 'talking points are made up? Is it the Nazis or the Communists who are throwing bricks through Congressmen's windows and vandalizing their property?

It's taken awhile but the true colors of the Tea Partiers has finally emerged. They are racist, homophobic haters, who resort to terrorist tactics when they don't get their way.

If your rhetoric is representative of their capacity to think for themselves, then many, if not most are also mentally-challenged.

I wish you well in your life and hope that by the time you graduate from high school you will be able to think for yourself, formulate your own opinions on the state of the world, and contribute something positive to the society we all live in.


P.S. You forgot to include Godzilla, the Grinch, and the Bogey man in your list of those who would destroy our country.

[The entire original message is not included]

Anger management

From: Hank []
Sent: Thursday, March 25, 2010 01:56 PM
To: 'NoReply'
Subject: Re: Anger management

I know it will be difficult but perhaps you could take your paranoia meds & after they kick in explain which "disinformation" from the Nazis and Communists I'm guilty of spreading.

Is it a lie that Tancredo was the keynote speaker at the Nashville gathering of the Tea Partiers, is it the Nazis or the Communists who shot the film of the Tea Partiers in the Capitol spitting on black Congressmen and calling Barney Frank a fag?

Maybe you could separate the disinformation items by origin - which are the Nazis responsible for and which belong to the Communists? Which 'talking points are made up?

Is it the Nazis or the Communists who are throwing bricks through Congressmen's windows and vandalizing their property?

It's taken awhile but the true colors of the Tea Partiers has finally emerged. They are racist, homophobic haters, who resort to terrorist tactics when they don't get their way.

If your rhetoric is representative of their capacity to think for themselves, then many, if not most are also mentally-challenged.

I wish you well in your life and hope that by the time you graduate from high school you will be able to think for yourself, formulate your own opinions on the state of the world, and contribute something positive to the society we all live in.


P.S. You forgot to include Godzilla, the Grinch, and the Bogey man in your list of those who would destroy our country.

From: "NoReply" Sent: Monday, March 22, 2010 11:22 PM
To: "Hank"
Subject: RE: Anger management

Your impression is a lie, of course you can believe what you like, it is a free country.

Turns out your talking points are made up too. But Socialists and Nazis share the common thread of spreading disinformation to the masses.

I am sure you are simply misinformed and not partaking in such foolish nonsense.

-----Original Message-----
From: Hank Sent: Monday, March 22, 2010 8:47 PM
To: NoReply
Subject: Re: Anger management

I was under the impression that he was one of the fair-haired boys of the Tea Partiers, who did themselves proud with their gay-bashing and race-baiting at the Capitol the other day.

I guess the' God-hates fags' bunch didn't get the memo: Reverend Phelps and his crew were out disrupting military funerals.

Of course, spitting on a black Congressman shows real class; I think even Palin might draw the line at that.

Naturally, Tom would consider all this a wonderful demonstration of First Amendment Rights.


From: "NoReply"
Sent: Monday, March 22, 2010 5:27 PM
To: "Hank"
Subject: RE: Anger management

Ike would have supported the law as does Tom.

What propaganda did you read or hear about Tom that makes you such an expert on his "power"?

-----Original Message-----
From: Hank Sent: Monday, March 22, 2010 4:38 PM
To: NoReply
[The entire original message is not included]

RE: Evil deeds

From: NoReply <>
Sent: Thursday, March 25, 2010 9:17 AM
Subject: Evil deeds

You mean evil deeds, Ruth, like progressing towards Communism?

You are the one who brought up race. Are you the racist?

Ask the millions of Jews, who died at the hands of Stalin, if their dream of "rights for the workers" was realized.

When the government gets bigger, the citizen gets smaller.

Try learning history before you repeat it.


Wednesday, March 24, 2010

RE: Insane murdering leftist professor

From: NoReply <>
Sent: Wednesday, March 24, 2010 5:43 PM
Subject: Insane murdering leftist professor

You bother Tom about a crazy person? How dumb is that?

And what of the Obama loving, leftist professor, Dr. Amy Bishop, who murdered her colleagues a few weeks ago?

And what of the Bush hating, Communist loving Joseph Stack, who flew a plane into an IRS building and wrote how he hates businesses and believes in "from each according to his ability, to each according to his need."

There are wackos on all sides of issues, it seems the hate filled activists are among the Democrats too. And they have killed people.

You have no moral ground to stand on with your meaningless rant. Idiots have the right to associate with whomever they like.

It proves nothing.
