From: NoReply <>
Sent: Tuesday, March 30, 2010 6:39 PM
Subject: therapy
We received your childish taunt.
Hope it made you feel better.
Have a nice day.
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Friday, March 26, 2010
RE: RE: Anger management
From: "NoReply" <>
Sent: Thursday, March 26, 2010 8:39 AM
To: "Hank" <>
Subject: RE: Anger management
Sent: Thursday, March 26, 2010 8:39 AM
To: "Hank" <>
Subject: RE: Anger management
You may want to google the misinformation part too. Here is a brief editorial summing up the "news" you cited.
Caught on film: Congressman “spat on” by tea partier, sort of
posted at 8:59 pm on March 25, 2010 by Allahpundit
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Via Nice Deb and Ace, who aptly characterizes this as a “Say It Don’t Spray It Class D Felony.” Skip ahead to around 1:20. A protester has his hands cupped around his mouth to yell something and it looks like some spittle hits Cleaver, who later accused the guy, and I quote, of having “allowed his saliva to hit my face.” Voila — a racial incident worthy of national headlines capped by a congressional press release noting that the spitter/spittler had been arrested. Except that he wasn’t: He was briefly detained and then let go. This was supposedly also around the time that tea partiers were shouting racial slurs at Cleaver, John Lewis, and other black congressmen. Listen closely and you … won’t hear any. Although if you do, or if you were there and have some tape lying around that captured them, you can make a cool ten grand from Andrew Breitbart. “Is it really possible that in 2010,” writes Breitbart, “in a crowd of 30 or 40 thousand people — at the center of a once-in-a-lifetime media circus — not one person’s flipphone, Blackberry, video recorder or a network feed caught a single incident?” E-mail him if you’ve got the smoking gun!
Incidentally, this is now the third incident involving alleged political intimidation that appears to have been blown out of proportion. The casket that so frightened Russ Carnahan was part of a prayer vigil meant to symbolize the death of liberty. And the bullet that broke that window in Cantor’s campaign office was, according to preliminary investigations, not fired directly at the building but up in the air, suggesting that it landed through the window through happenstance. Let’s all take a deep breath. Please?
From: "NoReply" <>
Sent: Thursday, March 25 , 2010 10:04 PM
To: "Hank" <>
Subject: RE: Anger management
My time in the public sector is how I know Obama is a Socialist. My Masters is in Computer Information Systems and I completely agree with you about public sector "workers." I took a private sector job after having a child to avoid the embarassment.
I'm glad to hear about Kos.
-----Original Message-----
From: Hank <>
Sent: Thursday, March 25, 2010 9:34 PM
To: NoReply <>
Subject: Re: Anger management
I apologize for the perceived personal attack. I shouldn't have jumped to a
conclusion about your educational background with no other evidence than
your writing.
You've beaten me on the military service, I got out after 4 in 1954. As far
as education is concerned I've got a BSEE, and MSEE and 2 years toward an
MBA, which I did not complete. I started an engineering business in 1968
with 4 other engineers, sold it after 10 years, and continued working there
until I retired in 1988 at age 59. I thought we might have found some common
ground until you acknowledged working in the 'public sector', I think we
have far too much bureaucracy in this country and have always considered
'working in the public sector' an oxymoron.
By the way, I didn't know what Kos was so I Googled it and it appears to be
as ridiculous as the Tea Partiers except that they're bent in the opposite
direction. Anyway, Dan, have a good life.
From: "NoReply" <>
Sent: Thursday, March 25, 2010 4:34 PM
To: "Hank" <>
Subject: RE: Anger management
Wow, you are really in love with the Daily Kos as a "source". Truth, yes Tancredo spoke. Lies, made racist remarks Send the link to the film, I am told there is a reward for proof it exists.
Look up "a lie repeated" and you will find your answers regarding disinformation.
Having worked both in the private and public sector, I know well when people fall short on the facts, they resort to personal insults.
I have no idea who you are, but count myself fortunate to be hated by such an awful person.
Here is a personal attack to help you feel better about yours: Learn to read history and think critically, you clearly dropped out of school before doing either. I would put my graduate education and 6 years of military service up against yours any day.
Oh, have a nice day,
-----Original Message-----
From: Hank <>
Sent: Thursday, March 25, 2010 11:56 AM
To: NoReply <>
Subject: Re: Anger management
I know it will be difficult but perhaps you could take your paranoia meds &
after they kick in explain which "disinformation" from the Nazis and
Communists I'm guilty of spreading. Is it a lie that Tancredo was the
keynote speaker at the Nashville gathering of the Tea Partiers, is it the
Nazis or the Communists who shot the film of the Tea Partiers in the Capitol
spitting on black Congressmen and calling Barney Frank a fag?
Maybe you could separate the disinformation items by origin - which are the
Nazis responsible for and which belong to the Communists? Which 'talking
points are made up?
Is it the Nazis or the Communists who are throwing bricks through
Congressmen's windows and vandalizing their property? It's taken awhile but
the true colors of the Tea Partiers has finally emerged. They are racist,
homophobic haters, who resort to terrorist tactics when they don't get their
way. If your rhetoric is representative of their capacity to think for
themselves, then many, if not most are also mentally-challenged.
I wish you well in your life and hope that by the time you graduate from
high school you will be able to think for yourself, formulate your own
opinions on the state of the world, and contribute something positive to the
society we all live in. Hank
P.S. You forgot to include Godzilla, the Grinch, and the Bogey man in your
list of those who would destroy our country.<G>
Sent: Thursday, March 25 , 2010 10:04 PM
To: "Hank" <>
Subject: RE: Anger management
My time in the public sector is how I know Obama is a Socialist. My Masters is in Computer Information Systems and I completely agree with you about public sector "workers." I took a private sector job after having a child to avoid the embarassment.
I'm glad to hear about Kos.
-----Original Message-----
From: Hank <>
Sent: Thursday, March 25, 2010 9:34 PM
To: NoReply <>
Subject: Re: Anger management
I apologize for the perceived personal attack. I shouldn't have jumped to a
conclusion about your educational background with no other evidence than
your writing.
You've beaten me on the military service, I got out after 4 in 1954. As far
as education is concerned I've got a BSEE, and MSEE and 2 years toward an
MBA, which I did not complete. I started an engineering business in 1968
with 4 other engineers, sold it after 10 years, and continued working there
until I retired in 1988 at age 59. I thought we might have found some common
ground until you acknowledged working in the 'public sector', I think we
have far too much bureaucracy in this country and have always considered
'working in the public sector' an oxymoron.
By the way, I didn't know what Kos was so I Googled it and it appears to be
as ridiculous as the Tea Partiers except that they're bent in the opposite
direction. Anyway, Dan, have a good life.
From: "NoReply" <>
Sent: Thursday, March 25, 2010 4:34 PM
To: "Hank" <>
Subject: RE: Anger management
Wow, you are really in love with the Daily Kos as a "source". Truth, yes Tancredo spoke. Lies, made racist remarks Send the link to the film, I am told there is a reward for proof it exists.
Look up "a lie repeated" and you will find your answers regarding disinformation.
Having worked both in the private and public sector, I know well when people fall short on the facts, they resort to personal insults.
I have no idea who you are, but count myself fortunate to be hated by such an awful person.
Here is a personal attack to help you feel better about yours: Learn to read history and think critically, you clearly dropped out of school before doing either. I would put my graduate education and 6 years of military service up against yours any day.
Oh, have a nice day,
-----Original Message-----
From: Hank <>
Sent: Thursday, March 25, 2010 11:56 AM
To: NoReply <>
Subject: Re: Anger management
I know it will be difficult but perhaps you could take your paranoia meds &
after they kick in explain which "disinformation" from the Nazis and
Communists I'm guilty of spreading. Is it a lie that Tancredo was the
keynote speaker at the Nashville gathering of the Tea Partiers, is it the
Nazis or the Communists who shot the film of the Tea Partiers in the Capitol
spitting on black Congressmen and calling Barney Frank a fag?
Maybe you could separate the disinformation items by origin - which are the
Nazis responsible for and which belong to the Communists? Which 'talking
points are made up?
Is it the Nazis or the Communists who are throwing bricks through
Congressmen's windows and vandalizing their property? It's taken awhile but
the true colors of the Tea Partiers has finally emerged. They are racist,
homophobic haters, who resort to terrorist tactics when they don't get their
way. If your rhetoric is representative of their capacity to think for
themselves, then many, if not most are also mentally-challenged.
I wish you well in your life and hope that by the time you graduate from
high school you will be able to think for yourself, formulate your own
opinions on the state of the world, and contribute something positive to the
society we all live in. Hank
P.S. You forgot to include Godzilla, the Grinch, and the Bogey man in your
list of those who would destroy our country.<G>
From: "NoReply" <>
Sent: Thursday, March 24, 2010 8:22 AM
To: "Hank" <>
Subject: RE: Anger management
Sent: Thursday, March 24, 2010 8:22 AM
To: "Hank" <>
Subject: RE: Anger management
Tom said that people ignorant of civics contributed to electing a commited socialist to the Presidency of the United States. He is exactly correct.
If you assume people who are ignorant are exclusively minorities, you are the racist. If you don't believe in the right to free expression, you are a statist. And if you believe taking over auto, banking and medical business is part of what government should do, then you, too, are a socialist.
Ike would not approve, and you would be the one who's soul is lost, not me.
You can engage in all of the personal attacks against Tom that you like, he served his country for more than 20 years as a public servent and has had his life threatened and attaked by commited Leftists and Socialists.
If you are the intelligent person you portend to be you might sit back and think about the side you appear to be on.
Do you really believe the Government can spend your money better than you? Do you really believe the news media has no bias and reports everything right? Are you so focused on your hate against Tom that any excuse will work?
Revrend Wright, friend and mentor of Obama, said, "God Damn America" and by your logic, Obama is guilty of the same thing.
Your loyalty is admirable, read the rest of your own words and choose. You might re-think your loyalty to a movement that not only hates America, but has the political power to destroy my country.
-----Original Message-----
From: Hank <>
Sent: Tuesday, March 23, 2010 10:12 PM
To: NoReply <>
Subject: Re: Anger management
Sorry, we must be talking about two different Tancredos. I meant the one who
gave the the keynote address at the Tea Party Convention in Nashville. I
guess all the networks conspired to spread disinformation by faking the Tea
Partiers spitting on a black Congressman and yelling homophobic remarks at
Frank. Shame on me for being taken in by such foolish nonsense.
I admire your loyalty; it's a virtue but as Mark Twain said, "Loyalty to a
petrified opinion never yet broke a chain or freed a human soul". You might
re-think your loyalty to a group whose main function appears to be spreading
hatred. Hank
From: "NoReply" <>
Sent: Monday, March 22, 2010 11:22 PM
To: "Hank" <>
Subject: RE: Anger management
Your impression is a lie, of course you can believe what you like, it is a free country.
Turns out your talking points are made up too. But Socialists and Nazis share the common thread of spreading disinformation to the masses. I am sure you are simply misinformed and not partaking in such foolish nonsense.
-----Original Message-----
From: Hank <>
Sent: Monday, March 22, 2010 8:47 PM
To: NoReply <noreply@therockymountainfoundationorg>
Subject: Re: Anger management
I was under the impression that he was one of the fair-haired boys of the
Tea Partiers, who did themselves proud with their gay-bashing and
race-baiting at the Capitol the other day. I guess the' God-hates fags'
bunch didn't get the memo: Reverend Phelps and his crew were out
disrupting military funerals. Of course, spitting on a black Congressman
shows real class; I think even Palin might draw the line at that.
Naturally, Tom would consider all this a wonderful demonstration of First
Amendment Rights. Hank
From: "NoReply" <>
Sent: Monday, March 22, 2010 5:27 PM
To: "Hank" <>
Subject: RE: Anger management
Ike would have supported the law as does Tom.
What propaganda did you read or hear about Tom that makes you such an expert on his "power"?
-----Original Message-----
From: Hank <>
Sent: Monday, March 22, 2010 4:38 PM
To: NoReply <>
Subject: Re: Anger management
Thanks for the response. I'm not angry at Tom; as I said, it saddens me that such a racist, poor excuse for a man yields power in such a great state. I will always have fond memories of the years I spent there and the days of a great president. eisenhower. Hank
From: NoReply
Sent: Monday, March 22, 2010 12:22 PM
Subject: Anger management
Sorry Hank, former congressman Tancredo is not an anger management counseling service provider.
Perhaps you should write to your new health panel to see if they will cover that ailment for you.
[The entire original message is not included]=
Tom said that people ignorant of civics contributed to electing a commited socialist to the Presidency of the United States. He is exactly correct.
If you assume people who are ignorant are exclusively minorities, you are the racist. If you don't believe in the right to free expression, you are a statist. And if you believe taking over auto, banking and medical business is part of what government should do, then you, too, are a socialist.
Ike would not approve, and you would be the one who's soul is lost, not me.
You can engage in all of the personal attacks against Tom that you like, he served his country for more than 20 years as a public servent and has had his life threatened and attaked by commited Leftists and Socialists.
If you are the intelligent person you portend to be you might sit back and think about the side you appear to be on.
Do you really believe the Government can spend your money better than you? Do you really believe the news media has no bias and reports everything right? Are you so focused on your hate against Tom that any excuse will work?
Revrend Wright, friend and mentor of Obama, said, "God Damn America" and by your logic, Obama is guilty of the same thing.
Your loyalty is admirable, read the rest of your own words and choose. You might re-think your loyalty to a movement that not only hates America, but has the political power to destroy my country.
-----Original Message-----
From: Hank <>
Sent: Tuesday, March 23, 2010 10:12 PM
To: NoReply <>
Subject: Re: Anger management
Sorry, we must be talking about two different Tancredos. I meant the one who
gave the the keynote address at the Tea Party Convention in Nashville. I
guess all the networks conspired to spread disinformation by faking the Tea
Partiers spitting on a black Congressman and yelling homophobic remarks at
Frank. Shame on me for being taken in by such foolish nonsense.
I admire your loyalty; it's a virtue but as Mark Twain said, "Loyalty to a
petrified opinion never yet broke a chain or freed a human soul". You might
re-think your loyalty to a group whose main function appears to be spreading
hatred. Hank
From: "NoReply" <>
Sent: Monday, March 22, 2010 11:22 PM
To: "Hank" <>
Subject: RE: Anger management
Your impression is a lie, of course you can believe what you like, it is a free country.
Turns out your talking points are made up too. But Socialists and Nazis share the common thread of spreading disinformation to the masses. I am sure you are simply misinformed and not partaking in such foolish nonsense.
-----Original Message-----
From: Hank <>
Sent: Monday, March 22, 2010 8:47 PM
To: NoReply <noreply@therockymountainfoundationorg>
Subject: Re: Anger management
I was under the impression that he was one of the fair-haired boys of the
Tea Partiers, who did themselves proud with their gay-bashing and
race-baiting at the Capitol the other day. I guess the' God-hates fags'
bunch didn't get the memo: Reverend Phelps and his crew were out
disrupting military funerals. Of course, spitting on a black Congressman
shows real class; I think even Palin might draw the line at that.
Naturally, Tom would consider all this a wonderful demonstration of First
Amendment Rights. Hank
From: "NoReply" <>
Sent: Monday, March 22, 2010 5:27 PM
To: "Hank" <>
Subject: RE: Anger management
Ike would have supported the law as does Tom.
What propaganda did you read or hear about Tom that makes you such an expert on his "power"?
-----Original Message-----
From: Hank <>
Sent: Monday, March 22, 2010 4:38 PM
To: NoReply <>
Subject: Re: Anger management
Thanks for the response. I'm not angry at Tom; as I said, it saddens me that such a racist, poor excuse for a man yields power in such a great state. I will always have fond memories of the years I spent there and the days of a great president. eisenhower. Hank
From: NoReply
Sent: Monday, March 22, 2010 12:22 PM
Subject: Anger management
Sorry Hank, former congressman Tancredo is not an anger management counseling service provider.
Perhaps you should write to your new health panel to see if they will cover that ailment for you.
[The entire original message is not included]=
Thursday, March 25, 2010
Anger management
From: Hank []
Sent: Thursday, March 25, 2010 11:34 PM
To: 'NoReply'
Subject: Re: Anger management
I apologize for the perceived personal attack. I shouldn't have jumped to a conclusion about your educational background with no other evidence than your writing. You've beaten me on the military service, I got out after 4 in 1954.
As far as education is concerned I've got a BSEE, and MSEE and 2 years toward an MBA, which I did not complete. I started an engineering business in 1968 with 4 other engineers, sold it after 10 years, and continued working there until I retired in 1988 at age 59.
I thought we might have found some common ground until you acknowledged working in the 'public sector', I think we have far too much bureaucracy in this country and have always considered 'working in the public sector' an oxymoron.
By the way, I didn't know what Kos was so I Googled it and it appears to be as ridiculous as the Tea Partiers except that they're bent in the opposite direction. Anyway, Dan, have a good life.
From: "NoReply" Sent: Thursday, March 25, 2010 4:34 PM
To: "Hank"
Subject: RE: Anger management
Wow, you are really in love with the Daily Kos as a "source".
Truth, yes Tancredo spoke.
Lies, made racist remarks.
Send the link to the film, I am told there is a reward for proof it exists.
Look up "a lie repeated" and you will find your answers regarding disinformation. Having worked both in the private and public sector, I know well when people fall short on the facts, they resort to personal insults.
I have no idea who you are, but count myself fortunate to be hated by such an awful person.
Here is a personal attack to help you feel better about yours: Learn to read history and think critically, you clearly dropped out of school before doing either. I would put my graduate education and 6 years of military service up against yours any day.
Oh, have a nice day,
-----Original Message-----
From: Hank
Sent: Thursday, March 25, 2010 11:56 AM
To: NoReply
Subject: Re: Anger management
I know it will be difficult but perhaps you could take your paranoia meds & after they kick in explain which "disinformation" from the Nazis and Communists I'm guilty of spreading.
Is it a lie that Tancredo was the keynote speaker at the Nashville gathering of the Tea Partiers, is it the Nazis or the Communists who shot the film of the Tea Partiers in the Capitol spitting on black Congressmen and calling Barney Frank a fag?
Maybe you could separate the disinformation items by origin - which are the Nazis responsible for and which belong to the Communists? Which 'talking points are made up? Is it the Nazis or the Communists who are throwing bricks through Congressmen's windows and vandalizing their property?
It's taken awhile but the true colors of the Tea Partiers has finally emerged. They are racist, homophobic haters, who resort to terrorist tactics when they don't get their way.
If your rhetoric is representative of their capacity to think for themselves, then many, if not most are also mentally-challenged.
I wish you well in your life and hope that by the time you graduate from high school you will be able to think for yourself, formulate your own opinions on the state of the world, and contribute something positive to the society we all live in.
P.S. You forgot to include Godzilla, the Grinch, and the Bogey man in your list of those who would destroy our country.
[The entire original message is not included]
Sent: Thursday, March 25, 2010 11:34 PM
To: 'NoReply'
Subject: Re: Anger management
I apologize for the perceived personal attack. I shouldn't have jumped to a conclusion about your educational background with no other evidence than your writing. You've beaten me on the military service, I got out after 4 in 1954.
As far as education is concerned I've got a BSEE, and MSEE and 2 years toward an MBA, which I did not complete. I started an engineering business in 1968 with 4 other engineers, sold it after 10 years, and continued working there until I retired in 1988 at age 59.
I thought we might have found some common ground until you acknowledged working in the 'public sector', I think we have far too much bureaucracy in this country and have always considered 'working in the public sector' an oxymoron.
By the way, I didn't know what Kos was so I Googled it and it appears to be as ridiculous as the Tea Partiers except that they're bent in the opposite direction. Anyway, Dan, have a good life.
From: "NoReply" Sent: Thursday, March 25, 2010 4:34 PM
To: "Hank"
Subject: RE: Anger management
Wow, you are really in love with the Daily Kos as a "source".
Truth, yes Tancredo spoke.
Lies, made racist remarks.
Send the link to the film, I am told there is a reward for proof it exists.
Look up "a lie repeated" and you will find your answers regarding disinformation. Having worked both in the private and public sector, I know well when people fall short on the facts, they resort to personal insults.
I have no idea who you are, but count myself fortunate to be hated by such an awful person.
Here is a personal attack to help you feel better about yours: Learn to read history and think critically, you clearly dropped out of school before doing either. I would put my graduate education and 6 years of military service up against yours any day.
Oh, have a nice day,
-----Original Message-----
From: Hank
Sent: Thursday, March 25, 2010 11:56 AM
To: NoReply
Subject: Re: Anger management
I know it will be difficult but perhaps you could take your paranoia meds & after they kick in explain which "disinformation" from the Nazis and Communists I'm guilty of spreading.
Is it a lie that Tancredo was the keynote speaker at the Nashville gathering of the Tea Partiers, is it the Nazis or the Communists who shot the film of the Tea Partiers in the Capitol spitting on black Congressmen and calling Barney Frank a fag?
Maybe you could separate the disinformation items by origin - which are the Nazis responsible for and which belong to the Communists? Which 'talking points are made up? Is it the Nazis or the Communists who are throwing bricks through Congressmen's windows and vandalizing their property?
It's taken awhile but the true colors of the Tea Partiers has finally emerged. They are racist, homophobic haters, who resort to terrorist tactics when they don't get their way.
If your rhetoric is representative of their capacity to think for themselves, then many, if not most are also mentally-challenged.
I wish you well in your life and hope that by the time you graduate from high school you will be able to think for yourself, formulate your own opinions on the state of the world, and contribute something positive to the society we all live in.
P.S. You forgot to include Godzilla, the Grinch, and the Bogey man in your list of those who would destroy our country.
[The entire original message is not included]
Anger management
From: Hank []
Sent: Thursday, March 25, 2010 01:56 PM
To: 'NoReply'
Subject: Re: Anger management
I know it will be difficult but perhaps you could take your paranoia meds & after they kick in explain which "disinformation" from the Nazis and Communists I'm guilty of spreading.
Is it a lie that Tancredo was the keynote speaker at the Nashville gathering of the Tea Partiers, is it the Nazis or the Communists who shot the film of the Tea Partiers in the Capitol spitting on black Congressmen and calling Barney Frank a fag?
Maybe you could separate the disinformation items by origin - which are the Nazis responsible for and which belong to the Communists? Which 'talking points are made up?
Is it the Nazis or the Communists who are throwing bricks through Congressmen's windows and vandalizing their property?
It's taken awhile but the true colors of the Tea Partiers has finally emerged. They are racist, homophobic haters, who resort to terrorist tactics when they don't get their way.
If your rhetoric is representative of their capacity to think for themselves, then many, if not most are also mentally-challenged.
I wish you well in your life and hope that by the time you graduate from high school you will be able to think for yourself, formulate your own opinions on the state of the world, and contribute something positive to the society we all live in.
P.S. You forgot to include Godzilla, the Grinch, and the Bogey man in your list of those who would destroy our country.
From: "NoReply" Sent: Monday, March 22, 2010 11:22 PM
To: "Hank"
Subject: RE: Anger management
Your impression is a lie, of course you can believe what you like, it is a free country.
Turns out your talking points are made up too. But Socialists and Nazis share the common thread of spreading disinformation to the masses.
I am sure you are simply misinformed and not partaking in such foolish nonsense.
-----Original Message-----
From: Hank Sent: Monday, March 22, 2010 8:47 PM
To: NoReply
Subject: Re: Anger management
I was under the impression that he was one of the fair-haired boys of the Tea Partiers, who did themselves proud with their gay-bashing and race-baiting at the Capitol the other day.
I guess the' God-hates fags' bunch didn't get the memo: Reverend Phelps and his crew were out disrupting military funerals.
Of course, spitting on a black Congressman shows real class; I think even Palin might draw the line at that.
Naturally, Tom would consider all this a wonderful demonstration of First Amendment Rights.
From: "NoReply"
Sent: Monday, March 22, 2010 5:27 PM
To: "Hank"
Subject: RE: Anger management
Ike would have supported the law as does Tom.
What propaganda did you read or hear about Tom that makes you such an expert on his "power"?
-----Original Message-----
From: Hank Sent: Monday, March 22, 2010 4:38 PM
To: NoReply
[The entire original message is not included]
Sent: Thursday, March 25, 2010 01:56 PM
To: 'NoReply'
Subject: Re: Anger management
I know it will be difficult but perhaps you could take your paranoia meds & after they kick in explain which "disinformation" from the Nazis and Communists I'm guilty of spreading.
Is it a lie that Tancredo was the keynote speaker at the Nashville gathering of the Tea Partiers, is it the Nazis or the Communists who shot the film of the Tea Partiers in the Capitol spitting on black Congressmen and calling Barney Frank a fag?
Maybe you could separate the disinformation items by origin - which are the Nazis responsible for and which belong to the Communists? Which 'talking points are made up?
Is it the Nazis or the Communists who are throwing bricks through Congressmen's windows and vandalizing their property?
It's taken awhile but the true colors of the Tea Partiers has finally emerged. They are racist, homophobic haters, who resort to terrorist tactics when they don't get their way.
If your rhetoric is representative of their capacity to think for themselves, then many, if not most are also mentally-challenged.
I wish you well in your life and hope that by the time you graduate from high school you will be able to think for yourself, formulate your own opinions on the state of the world, and contribute something positive to the society we all live in.
P.S. You forgot to include Godzilla, the Grinch, and the Bogey man in your list of those who would destroy our country.
From: "NoReply" Sent: Monday, March 22, 2010 11:22 PM
To: "Hank"
Subject: RE: Anger management
Your impression is a lie, of course you can believe what you like, it is a free country.
Turns out your talking points are made up too. But Socialists and Nazis share the common thread of spreading disinformation to the masses.
I am sure you are simply misinformed and not partaking in such foolish nonsense.
-----Original Message-----
From: Hank Sent: Monday, March 22, 2010 8:47 PM
To: NoReply
Subject: Re: Anger management
I was under the impression that he was one of the fair-haired boys of the Tea Partiers, who did themselves proud with their gay-bashing and race-baiting at the Capitol the other day.
I guess the' God-hates fags' bunch didn't get the memo: Reverend Phelps and his crew were out disrupting military funerals.
Of course, spitting on a black Congressman shows real class; I think even Palin might draw the line at that.
Naturally, Tom would consider all this a wonderful demonstration of First Amendment Rights.
From: "NoReply"
Sent: Monday, March 22, 2010 5:27 PM
To: "Hank"
Subject: RE: Anger management
Ike would have supported the law as does Tom.
What propaganda did you read or hear about Tom that makes you such an expert on his "power"?
-----Original Message-----
From: Hank Sent: Monday, March 22, 2010 4:38 PM
To: NoReply
[The entire original message is not included]
RE: Evil deeds
From: NoReply <>
Sent: Thursday, March 25, 2010 9:17 AM
Subject: Evil deeds
You mean evil deeds, Ruth, like progressing towards Communism?
You are the one who brought up race. Are you the racist?
Ask the millions of Jews, who died at the hands of Stalin, if their dream of "rights for the workers" was realized.
When the government gets bigger, the citizen gets smaller.
Try learning history before you repeat it.
Sent: Thursday, March 25, 2010 9:17 AM
Subject: Evil deeds
You mean evil deeds, Ruth, like progressing towards Communism?
You are the one who brought up race. Are you the racist?
Ask the millions of Jews, who died at the hands of Stalin, if their dream of "rights for the workers" was realized.
When the government gets bigger, the citizen gets smaller.
Try learning history before you repeat it.
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
RE: Insane murdering leftist professor
From: NoReply <>
Sent: Wednesday, March 24, 2010 5:43 PM
Subject: Insane murdering leftist professor
You bother Tom about a crazy person? How dumb is that?
And what of the Obama loving, leftist professor, Dr. Amy Bishop, who murdered her colleagues a few weeks ago?
And what of the Bush hating, Communist loving Joseph Stack, who flew a plane into an IRS building and wrote how he hates businesses and believes in "from each according to his ability, to each according to his need."
There are wackos on all sides of issues, it seems the hate filled activists are among the Democrats too. And they have killed people.
You have no moral ground to stand on with your meaningless rant. Idiots have the right to associate with whomever they like.
It proves nothing.
Sent: Wednesday, March 24, 2010 5:43 PM
Subject: Insane murdering leftist professor
You bother Tom about a crazy person? How dumb is that?
And what of the Obama loving, leftist professor, Dr. Amy Bishop, who murdered her colleagues a few weeks ago?
And what of the Bush hating, Communist loving Joseph Stack, who flew a plane into an IRS building and wrote how he hates businesses and believes in "from each according to his ability, to each according to his need."
There are wackos on all sides of issues, it seems the hate filled activists are among the Democrats too. And they have killed people.
You have no moral ground to stand on with your meaningless rant. Idiots have the right to associate with whomever they like.
It proves nothing.
Anger management
From: Hank []
Sent: Wednesday, March 24, 2010 12:31 PMTo: 'NoReply'
Subject: Re: Anger management
"You might re-think your loyalty to a movement that not only hates America, but has the political power to destroy my country". Oh, please, I truly apologize - I didn't mean to goad you to the brink of hysteria - my bad. I see that your patron and mentor wangled a "1-Y" deferment to stay out of Viet Nam. I commend him for that; I lost a step-son in the Gulf of Tonkin when his helicopter went down; what a waste in a war we should never have fought. Speaking of the 'ignorant', I can't help but wonder if you became enamored of Tom when he taught you in Jr. High. That could explain your spelling difficulties with two and three syllable words like 'servant', 'attacked', and 'committed'. You might want to brush up on your spelling before tackling more difficult subjects like civics, politics, and history.
From: "NoReply"
To: "Hank"
RE: Anger management >
Tom said that people ignorant of civics contributed to electing a commited > socialist to the Presidency of the United States. He is exactly correct. > > If you assume people who are ignorant are exclusively minorities, you are > the racist. If you don't believe in the right to free expression, you are > a statist. And if you believe taking over auto, banking and medical > business is part of what government should do, then you, too, are a > socialist. > > Ike would not approve, and you would be the one who's soul is lost, not > me. > > You can engage in all of the personal attacks against Tom that you like, > he served his country for more than 20 years as a public servent and has > had his life threatened and attaked by commited Leftists and Socialists. > > If you are the intelligent person you portend to be you might sit back and > think about the side you appear to be on. > > Do you really believe the Government can spend your money better than you? > Do you really believe the news media has no bias and reports everything > right? Are you so focused on your hate against Tom that any excuse will > work? > > Revrend Wright, friend and mentor of Obama, said, "God Damn America" and > by your logic, Obama is guilty of the same thing. > > Your loyalty is admirable, read the rest of your own words and choose. You > might re-think your loyalty to a movement that not only hates America, but > has the political power to destroy my country. > > -----Original Message----- > From: Hank
Anger management
From: Hank []
Sent: Wednesday, March 24, 2010 12:12 AMTo: 'NoReply'
Subject: Re: Anger management
Sorry, we must be talking about two different Tancredos. I meant the one who gave the the keynote address at the Tea Party Convention in Nashville. I guess all the networks conspired to spread disinformation by faking the Tea Partiers spitting on a black Congressman and yelling homophobic remarks at Frank. Shame on me for being taken in by such foolish nonsense. I admire your loyalty; it's a virtue but as Mark Twain said, "Loyalty to a petrified opinion never yet broke a chain or freed a human soul". You might re-think your loyalty to a group whose main function appears to be spreading hatred.
From: "NoReply"
To: "Hank"
Your impression is a lie, of course you can believe what you like, it is a > free country. > > Turns out your talking points are made up too. But Socialists and Nazis > share the common thread of spreading disinformation to the masses. I am > sure you are simply misinformed and not partaking in such foolish > nonsense. > > > > >
-----Original Message----- > From: Hank
-------------------------------------------------- > From: "NoReply"
-----Original Message----- >> From: Hank
Monday, March 22, 2010
Anger management
From: Hank []
Sent: Monday, March 22, 2010 10:47 PMTo: 'NoReply'
Subject: Re: Anger management
I was under the impression that he was one of the fair-haired boys of the Tea Partiers, who did themselves proud with their gay-bashing and race-baiting at the Capitol the other day. I guess the' God-hates fags' bunch didn't get the memo: Reverend Phelps and his crew were out disrupting military funerals. Of course, spitting on a black Congressman shows real class; I think even Palin might draw the line at that. Naturally, Tom would consider all this a wonderful demonstration of First Amendment Rights.
-------------------------------------------------- From: "NoReply"
Anger Management
From: Hank []
Sent: Monday, March 22, 2010 06:38 PM
To: 'NoReply'
Subject: Re: Anger management
Thanks for the response. I'm not angry at Tom; as I said, it saddens me that such a racist, poor excuse for a man yields power in such a great state. I will always have fond memories of the years I spent there and the days of a great president. eisenhower. Hank
From: NoReply
Sent: Monday, March 22, 2010 12:22 PM
Subject: Anger management
Sorry Hank, former congressman Tancredo is not an anger management counseling service provider.
Perhaps you should write to your new health panel to see if they will cover that ailment for you.
Sent: Monday, March 22, 2010 06:38 PM
To: 'NoReply'
Subject: Re: Anger management
Thanks for the response. I'm not angry at Tom; as I said, it saddens me that such a racist, poor excuse for a man yields power in such a great state. I will always have fond memories of the years I spent there and the days of a great president. eisenhower. Hank
From: NoReply
Sent: Monday, March 22, 2010 12:22 PM
Subject: Anger management
Sorry Hank, former congressman Tancredo is not an anger management counseling service provider.
Perhaps you should write to your new health panel to see if they will cover that ailment for you.
RE: Anger management
From: NoReply <>
Sent: Monday, March 22, 2010 1:22 PM
Subject: Anger management
Sorry Hank, former congressman Tancredo is not an anger management counseling service provider.
Perhaps you should write to your new health panel to see if they will cover that ailment for you.
Sent: Monday, March 22, 2010 1:22 PM
Subject: Anger management
Sorry Hank, former congressman Tancredo is not an anger management counseling service provider.
Perhaps you should write to your new health panel to see if they will cover that ailment for you.
Friday, March 12, 2010
RE: Bigotry of low expectation
From: NoReply <>
Sent: Friday, March 12, 2010 6:59 PM
Subject: Bigotry of low expectation
You are correct, people will remember the bigotry of the left and their low expectation of the American people.
Populists rise to power every few generations. The last time a man was elected by promising work for all with a great national social agenda. He took over the automobile industry, lending institutions and medicine.
He even demanded the creation of an economic, fuel efficient car for the regular folks. Thus the folks wagon (volkswagon) was invented.
People who have no grasp of civics (that is who have no civics literacy) will vote for populists who promise much and deliver little.
Voters will remember and toss out such snake oil salesmen over time. No doubt, the Dear Leader, Mr Obama, will be remembered by those empty promises and his contempt for the free market that made our country great.
Tom Tancredo is correct, everyone should take a test like that required by naturalized citizens. A civics literacy test.
Sent: Friday, March 12, 2010 6:59 PM
Subject: Bigotry of low expectation
You are correct, people will remember the bigotry of the left and their low expectation of the American people.
Populists rise to power every few generations. The last time a man was elected by promising work for all with a great national social agenda. He took over the automobile industry, lending institutions and medicine.
He even demanded the creation of an economic, fuel efficient car for the regular folks. Thus the folks wagon (volkswagon) was invented.
People who have no grasp of civics (that is who have no civics literacy) will vote for populists who promise much and deliver little.
Voters will remember and toss out such snake oil salesmen over time. No doubt, the Dear Leader, Mr Obama, will be remembered by those empty promises and his contempt for the free market that made our country great.
Tom Tancredo is correct, everyone should take a test like that required by naturalized citizens. A civics literacy test.
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
RE: Civics 101
From: NoReply <>
Sent: Tuesday, March 09, 2010 10:18 PM
Subject: Civics 101
When George Bush was President dissent was patriotic, now Obama is President and his supporters would engage in ethnic clensing of anyone who disagrees with his politics.
Congratulations, you have joind those who would destroy the Bill of Rights to protect ever more intrusive government.
Learn civics and try an honest dialogue for a change.
Sent: Tuesday, March 09, 2010 10:18 PM
Subject: Civics 101
When George Bush was President dissent was patriotic, now Obama is President and his supporters would engage in ethnic clensing of anyone who disagrees with his politics.
Congratulations, you have joind those who would destroy the Bill of Rights to protect ever more intrusive government.
Learn civics and try an honest dialogue for a change.
RE: Civics Literacy
From: NoReply <>
Sent: Tuesday, March 09, 2010 9:35 PM
Subject: Civics Literacy
You appear to be missing a word in the midst of your email. Tom was referring to a "Civics Literacy" test, not a "Literacy" test.
It is kind of like comparing a "Boolian Logic" test to a "Logic" test. Not the same.
Joe Biden is certianly no genius so I have to wonder what your beef is with a multi-term Mayor, State Governor, and public speaker who does not need a teleprompter to talk to 6th graders.
A simple review of history will also show many tyrants were considered intelligent too.
Study civics and get back to us with some cogent arguments.
Sent: Tuesday, March 09, 2010 9:35 PM
Subject: Civics Literacy
You appear to be missing a word in the midst of your email. Tom was referring to a "Civics Literacy" test, not a "Literacy" test.
It is kind of like comparing a "Boolian Logic" test to a "Logic" test. Not the same.
Joe Biden is certianly no genius so I have to wonder what your beef is with a multi-term Mayor, State Governor, and public speaker who does not need a teleprompter to talk to 6th graders.
A simple review of history will also show many tyrants were considered intelligent too.
Study civics and get back to us with some cogent arguments.
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
No such quote
From: Duane Isaacson []
Sent: Wednesday, March 3, 2010 12:34 PMTo: 'NoReply'
Subject: Re: No such quote
Maybe you should learn how to spell. And yes it certainly is our right to have elected officials to protect us from people such as yourself. I think you are the one in need of a course of civics literacy as you are completely wrong. It was republicans calling for deregulation led to exorbitant raises for big bank ceo's while the banks were failing because of greed and deception. i could go on all day but you are not worth the time and neither is you ex representative. --- On Wed, 3/3/10, NoReply <> wrote:
RE: No such quote
From: NoReply <>
Sent: Wednesday, March 03, 2010 9:00 AM
Subject: No such quote
Typically, quotes are used to represent what someone actually said. If Tom was quoted as you stated, please cite the source as it is simply wrong.
As for your well paying jobs and votes for the promise of more government from Mr. Obama, that is certianly your right. You also have the right to not take advantage of tax deductions and to allow those in elected office to make "charitable" contributions on your behalf.
Previous elected leaders have controlled bank lenders, auto manufactors and medicine in the late 1930s. It did not result in anything good and nations went to war as a result.
If you don't understand that government led the US to the economic mess it is in, then civics literacy is something that might be helpful to know.
Sent: Wednesday, March 03, 2010 9:00 AM
Subject: No such quote
Typically, quotes are used to represent what someone actually said. If Tom was quoted as you stated, please cite the source as it is simply wrong.
As for your well paying jobs and votes for the promise of more government from Mr. Obama, that is certianly your right. You also have the right to not take advantage of tax deductions and to allow those in elected office to make "charitable" contributions on your behalf.
Previous elected leaders have controlled bank lenders, auto manufactors and medicine in the late 1930s. It did not result in anything good and nations went to war as a result.
If you don't understand that government led the US to the economic mess it is in, then civics literacy is something that might be helpful to know.
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
RE: Health Insurance Reform
From: NoReply <>
Sent: Tuesday, March 02, 2010 11:40 PM
Subject: Health Insurance Reform
Tom Tancredo is a private citizen and never did change his insurance when in Congress. He has been a member of Kaiser for a few decades.
I was his health care legislative aid and have been involved in medicine for more than 30 years now.
There is no "Private HC option" offered anywhere, particularly in Washington DC and Cover Colorado is the State version of single payer health insurance run by Colorado's legislature and subsidized by taxpayers.
If you want more of the same kind of "service" you have received from Cover Colorado, please feel free to continue to look to Washington DC for a solution.
If, on the other hand, you look into catastrophic insurance policies, rather than the pre-paid medical plans you apparently currently use, you will find significant savings.
Your condition is listed on the Mayo Clnic web site as one that has no cure but can be treated and controlled to some extent. If your cost for care is only $275, it sounds like it is not debilitating at this point.
Perhaps finding a new insurance company should be a priority before Washington makes a bigger mess of health care than they already have.
Best of luck Dale,
Sent: Tuesday, March 02, 2010 11:40 PM
Subject: Health Insurance Reform
Tom Tancredo is a private citizen and never did change his insurance when in Congress. He has been a member of Kaiser for a few decades.
I was his health care legislative aid and have been involved in medicine for more than 30 years now.
There is no "Private HC option" offered anywhere, particularly in Washington DC and Cover Colorado is the State version of single payer health insurance run by Colorado's legislature and subsidized by taxpayers.
If you want more of the same kind of "service" you have received from Cover Colorado, please feel free to continue to look to Washington DC for a solution.
If, on the other hand, you look into catastrophic insurance policies, rather than the pre-paid medical plans you apparently currently use, you will find significant savings.
Your condition is listed on the Mayo Clnic web site as one that has no cure but can be treated and controlled to some extent. If your cost for care is only $275, it sounds like it is not debilitating at this point.
Perhaps finding a new insurance company should be a priority before Washington makes a bigger mess of health care than they already have.
Best of luck Dale,
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